Release notes

Product feature updates keeping you in the loop
about changes to myTrip

Helen Connolly Helen Connolly

Ticket listings on

To direct visitors to the operators and tickets available in the app, we now display all tickets that are available for sale on the website.

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Helen Connolly Helen Connolly

Opt-in for third party cookies on websites

To ensure myTrip websites are compliant with cookie management guidelines and best practice from the ICO (Information Commissioner’s Office), we are making a change to how user consent is acquired on websites.

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Helen Connolly Helen Connolly

Gift code search

To assist with any Customer Service enquiries you may receive relating to gift code claims, operators with access to Passenger Cloud can now search for gift codes directly.

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Helen Connolly Helen Connolly

Improving ticket scanning reliability and speed

To improve the reliability and speed of scanning a ticket, we have improved the screen behaviour when displaying a ticket on mobile devices. This will ensure that the device is ready to be scanned when required.

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Helen Connolly Helen Connolly

End of service time change

As we continue to learn more about the operators using myTrip and the services they run, we will be changing the end of service time for tickets on myTrip from 4.30 a.m. to 3.00 a.m.

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Helen Connolly Helen Connolly

Displaying operators nearest a user

To help myTrip users discover the operators serving their local area, their device's location will be used to reorder the Mobile Tickets operator list.

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