Adding ‘Use before’ dates to customer’s tickets and other ticket improvements

To make it clearer to customers that tickets need to be used before a certain date we are adding ‘Use before’ dates to tickets in their list of purchased tickets.

This change will only affect un-activated tickets. Once a ticket is activated the expiry date and time is displayed to show when the entitlement for the ticket ends.

We are also showing the date range for fixed date tickets much more clearly within the ticket list for any tickets that are not activated, making it easier for customers to determine whether the ticket can be activated and used without having to click into the ticket detail view.

As well as adding ‘Use before’ dates we have refreshed the design of purchased tickets to make it easier for customers to quickly scan and understand the different tickets they have purchased as well as distinguishing between tickets that are ready to use and those that need to be activated.

This update will be released next Thursday, 29th September.

Example of a purchased ticket that displays a 'Use before' date

Example of a purchased ticket that allows for the travel of different passenger classes

Example of a purchased carnet ticket


Improvements to ticket activation expiry


Restricted evening tickets in myTrip