Sharing deep links to tickets and ticket categories

Visitors to the website are now able to generate deep links to a ticket, a ticket category, or an operator within myTrip.

This allows users to easily generate a link that when tapped will automatically open the myTrip app showing the relevant information. If the app is not installed, it will open a browser and display the information alongside instructions on how to install the app.

A user can share by tapping the share icon in the top right-hand corner of a ticket and selecting one of the following three options: ‘Share a link to this ticket’, ‘Share a link to this category’, or ‘Share a link to this operator’. On Android and iOS devices this will trigger a share prompt, on other devices, it will copy the relevant link onto the user’s clipboard so it can then be pasted elsewhere.

This change is also useful for operators, as it gives the ability to generate deep links to tickets, which can then be provided to individual users or posted on social media. This will make it easier to promote specific tickets and improve customer service interactions.

The share menu when accessed from the icon in the top right of a ticket

This change is available now.


Adding ticket information to gift code emails


Improvements to ticket activation expiry