Improving network visibility at wider zooms

As networks get larger, offer more options and attract more users, it’s important to ensure that riders can quickly understand the areas and routes covered when considering their journeys.

To this end, we will now start showing bus stops at all zoom levels in the myTrip app, where they were previously hidden. At medium and wider zoom levels the stop will be simplified into a small marker to ensure clarity and improve performance. Favourited stops will now also be shown at all zoom levels.

Live Buses view showing stops at all zoom levels

This will ensure that as the rider zooms out they will continue to see the capabilities of the network so they can have a visual association with the destinations and the network itself.

Live buses will continue to be shown at medium zoom levels and below.

Additionally, we have made some improvements to the platform's mapping architecture as follows:

  • On the timetable pages on web we have adjusted the colours of the map tiles to make them more distinctive and recognisable.

  • We are now using Apple Maps as the mapping platform in the iOS app. Using the mapping platform provided by the operating system improves familiarity, performance and security. Android will continue to use Google Maps.

  • We have made performance improvements across all platforms.

These changes will be made available in early January 2023.


Displaying activation expiry on a user's ticket in Passenger Cloud


Expanding the availability of dynamic vehicle destinations